
Uninstall yahoo search nothing works tried everything advised?

by  |  earlier

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I want to uninstal yahoo search, it came with the vista software. It's on the bottom of the screen. It's not listed as a program to uninstall, it's not listed in tool bars.

I am horrified by Yahoo's involvement in the 10 year jail sentence a Chinese reporter received because Yahoo bowed to the Chinese government by turning over ALL of the reporters emails to the government. Chinese gov't then sentenced the reporter. The reporter was sending information to a human rights group.

Then Yahoo lied to congress about their involvement.

Boycott Yahoo.




  1. If it came with Vista it may be considered a component of Windows. In that case, there's no way you're getting it off.

  2. Not sure about the uninstall part, but did just find how to get it off my toolbar.  Right click on the toobar, select toolbars and deselect HP advisor

  3. Practice what you preach and stop using this site. Just B/C its on your computer doesn't mean you have to use it.

  4. Go to

    and download c**p Cleaner...

    It's my favorite... Freeware!

    If that doesn't work uninstall components from the registry but if you don't fully understand computers: Don't!

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