
Uninsured drunk driver totaled my parked car and I only have liability insurance. What do I do?

by Guest64993  |  earlier

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I'm in the State of Washington. Value of car under $4,000.




  1. First, check with your insurance company and see if you have uninsured motorist coverage.   You can still carry it even if you only have liability coverage.   If so, they will pay to repair your vehicle and go after the drunk driver for reimbursment.

    If you don't have uninsured motorists, you'd have to sue the driver and the owner of the vehicle (if they're not the same) in small claims court.

  2. File civil suit in Superior Court in the county you reside in.  I think 4K is over the limit for small claims court.  Easy to call the district court and ask.

  3. Sue him in small claims court.

    Make sure you have a police report and something that determines the value of the car, like comparables from local sources.

  4. Washington state auto policies offer uninsured property damage coverage.  Did you purchase this coverage?  If not, you will have to file in small claims.  Washington state Small Claims has a limit of $4k.

  5. fiber, I recommend you visit a nearby car insurance agent to help. Since I live in Idaho I can't recommend anyone in Washington, but here is an website that can help you.

    Hope it works out

  6. sue him, make him pay

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