
Uninviting Wedding Guest?

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We were having a wedding out of town and sent out save the dates to 300 people thinking people may want a vacation. Plans have changed and now our wedding is in our home town, the budget dropped, and the venue only holds 120 maxed out. My fi family is 70 people alone! My family is 20 and that's not including our wedding party or any friends. How do we uninvited the rest of the list with out sitting down and telling them face to face? Half of the people we hardly talk to anymore. But the problem is we have 140 people that are family members, bridal party, etc....what do we do?




  1. I would just send out apology cards (or just blank cards) and explain that the budget is now less than expected and you no longer have room for everyone you invited.  Remember to apologize for any inconvenience you may have caused them.  They should be understanding since it is your wedding, your special day.  

  2. send out a notice to all who received invite to out of town wedding or hold the date cards. that reads plans have changed we are not having an out of town wedding.   no explanation is necessary

    Then if possible choose a different date and just invite those you can afford to have.

    My neice had to uninvite me,  Some money she expected did not come thru for her.

  3. I think you should change the venue. I mean you can't really have your heart set on it that much because you previously was going to hold your wedding somewhere else. I just think it would be extremely rude. If I planned around a save-the-date and then got uninvited or never recieved and invitation I would be extremely upset.

  4. This is tricky.  Assuming you haven't sent out invitations yet, send out your invites to the 120 you can fit, and have announcements made for everyone else to be sent out the day of or the day after the wedding.  In the meantime, do try to inform the guests you can't fit in some way, by phone if possible, but email may be necessary as well.  Hopefully if anyone has any questions they'll contact you and/or your fiance, and hopefully people will understand.

  5. pick 120 people you are closest to and send them invites for the wedding and reception. Send the rest of them invites to attend the ceremony? Its about all you can do unfortuanately.

    ADD: You can add on the invites for the wedding only ''no gifts please'' I'm sure people will understand. You have to do what you have to do.

  6. It is really rude to uninvite people and this could cause major arguments.

    If you really want your wedding at that venue, I would go ahead with the 120 people you want there for a different date, earlier than the date you said on the save the dates. I would then send an invitation to a "wedding celebration" to the remainder of the guests for a BBQ or something really casual and inexpensive for after the wedding but on the date that the save the date card stipulated. You could explain to them that you had a very intimate family gathering on the day but you really wanted a chance to celebrate with all your family and friends.

    If you're not set on that venue, maybe you could consider holding an afternoon tea or finger food reception in a backyard or park somewhere. That way everyone could be invited.

  7. well hunny be happy you can invite 70 family members, some of us wont be able to come close

    you will need to get another venue and fast it all works out

    and whatever the number is add 10 or 20 to it

  8. This is tricky. A save the date is technically not an invitation, but since the idea is that the invitation will be sent out too late to make accommodations they may have already taken off of work and made arrangements. Try and find a different venue. I know it may not be your dream, but it is rude to uninvited people and there is no easy way to do it. How far off is the wedding? All you can really do is call them ASAP. Don't take the easy way out by sending a form letter or mass email, it is uncomfortable but you will just have to deal with it.

    ADD: You never invite people to the ceremony and not the reception. Since the reception is the expensive part, it just seems like you are looking for gifts.

    ADD: You will just have to do the tough thing and call each of them. Apologize profusely. In the future, be sure you can provide for each of your guests before informing them of the party.

    ADD: Save the dates may as well be invitations. They imply an invitation is comoning, and that they should clear their schedule and start making arrangements for a wedding they will have to spend money on. They need to be informed as soon as possible that they will not be recieiving invitations so they don't spend money on a wedding they will not be attending. They are to be sent out to anyone that will have to make special arrangements to attend your wedding, they are not a casual heads up to the people that you may invite.

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