
Union Pacific RailRoad Conductor, can they obtain internet access on their laptops in the cab?

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Does the cab have a hook up or could a person use a wireless connection and take their laptop? I ask b/c I am thinking seriously about taking a conductor job and this will be a major source of entertainment in the cab. Also , is there a convient spot to lay the laptop and say watch a ball game or are you pretty much confined to resting it on your lap? thanks




  1. Radios, TV, laptops, all forbidden.  When on the train, you're not there to be entertained.  You are working.  

    Not only that, you are responsible for the safety of your train and the public.  Vigilance is paramount to the safe conduct of your train.  You cannot be on the lookout with your nose pasted against a monitor screen.

    If caught. you can entertain yourself with your laptop in the unemployment line...

    Railroading is not a game.  It is a hot/cold, exhausting, demanding job with awesome responsibility attached.  s***w up out there and people don't get the wrong size of French fries with their order.  

    They die...

  2. NO

    A few people have internet access for laptops through a wireless internet card available through cell phone companies.

    However, it is very expressly forbidden to watch any form of electronic entertainment while on duty.

    You can do taht at home, if you are more interested in watching movies and playing video games, please stay there.

  3. Everyone knows a conductors can not entertain themselves while  on the train. Newspapers, electronic devices, cell phones, ect... are forbidden. Beside, they perform a more useful task for the engineer--- grade detectors.  Head back while sleeping, the train is going up hill. Head fore-wards: well you can figure it out.

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