
Union pacific job interview for train service position?

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had what i think was a horrible interview with up today has anyone ever interviewed with them and is this just my nerves or do they usually just let one guy ask most of the questions while they all just stare at you i really want the job but htink i blew it




  1. I'm currently employed with UP as a train dispatcher. My interview consisted of two people... an HR rep. and Supervisor of Train dispatchers. They both asked question but the HR rep asked the majority of the questions. UP is really big on SAFETY  so if you mentioned any about the importance of safety you probably scored a few brownie points. If you don't get the job this time around don't be discouraged... it's pretty competitive! Just keep trying. Also one thing that might help out is this website It gives you excellent tips on how to land a job with the RR. I used it and got two offers from Class I RR the 1st time around. The only down side is it cost about $20...however I think it is an excellent tool. Good luck

  2. Yeah, relax. Must be in the railroad etiquette book some where. I have to talk to various people from different railroads on their properties from time to time. And it's as you say. One guy talks while two stare at you.

  3. Hey man, I also had an interview with the UP and I too thought I blew it.  They really try and drill you in those things.  When mine was over I was shaking so bad that I had to apologize while I handed my social security card to the lady.  When I left they told me that if I got it they would call me that night.  I sat and waited and soon the night ended with no call.  I was pretty upset because I wanted it so bad.  About three weeks later they did finally call and I have been there for a few months now.  I love it, but don't tell anyone I said that.  The "old heads" dont want to hear that kind of talk.

    If I could give you any advice it would be that if you do get it, be prepared to be layed off.  I went through all of my training and the day after they said I had no seniority to hold anything.  I was off for about 2 months before I got a call to "borrow out" to a different service unit.  The pay is great but its just temporary and there is still alot of guys laid off where I am from.  But if its what you really want you will just have to stick it out.  Thats what I am going to do.  Another thing, dont go and buy a bunch of new **** when you start.  You will be glad you dont have that new car or house payment when they tell you there is no work for you.

  4. Nerves.  

    But it's a win-win situation, so relax.

    Unless you came off as a complete moron, you're probably still in the running for a train service position.  I wouldn't start sweating just yet.  If they said they'd get back to you by a certain date and they don't, that will answer your question.

    If you did seem to them an idiot, then you'll have a future in management.

    Either way, they play their head games at every level.  So, don't read too much into how they behaved.  Most of the stares aren't meant to intimidate you, anyway.  It's just that it's blank behind them.  That's why the DS (Delta-minus Semi-moron) asks all the questions......

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