
Unique jump ideas?

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Okay her is your chance to use your horsey creativity even if you aren't a jumper. We have to get our horses used to wierd, strange jumps. So far we have these ideas to get them used to wierd jumps:

-Putting saddlepads over the rail

-Putting a flower box under the jump

-Putting cones under the jump

-Hay bales

-Half barrels with carpet on top

Any unique SAFE ideas for making jumpers stranger. Thanks!




  1. cardboard boxes weighted down.

    at my barn we once used a STOP SIGN!


    mounting blocks.

    once we ran out of standards so we made a "ghetto" jump. it was a plank on top of a mounting block and a cone with another plank under it then a pole behind it and hay bales infront of it. it was pretty funny cuz bullet (my horse) was like wth is that?!?!!

  2. put different colored buckets under the jumps, if you have beach toys spread those around the jump (if you have inner tubes you can put them on the pole), cones along the jump, hay bales under the jumps or by themselves, put bandanas inside the extra holes on the standards, hmmm i cant think of much more now but hope this helped some.


  3. great ideas here!

    lately, ive been doing multiple things with big blue tarps.

    -i put the tarp laying on the ground and fasten the cornes with a rock so they dont blow away, the i put a jump in the middle so my horse has to step on the tarp to jump and land on it.... or put the jump on one side so either his take off or landing is with the tarp.

    -i lay the tarp over the top rail of the jump

    -i fold the tarp up under a jump or leave it by itself  to jump so its like a little liverpool

    i always make sure its fastened so my horse's legs cant get caught and trip him. im so glad you asked this question! ive been trying to make scary looking jumps to desensitize my soon to be event horse =D

  4. Beach balls - contained by ground rails.

    black plastic  peged to the ground under the jump - makes a scary black hole..

    Hang a rain coat or clothing from the rail.

    scaryest thing I've seen,, and was common when I was a kid.  A chicken coop jump with live chickens.

  5. Garden chairs

    We used them last year.

    Old car tyres leaning against the front of the jump or threaded onto the pole.

    We also made stacks of car tyres and stood a cone on top as the wings.

    We made a nasty jump with 2 wooden pallets ( looked like a "Tiger trap")

    Piece of tarp or pond liner laid flat under the jump.

    We also used some of those "road closed" signs they use when they dig up the road. I have no idea how they got in the field......

  6. I used a log as a jump than had pot plants with flowers along the bottom and trees in pot plants next to the jump. It looked really effective and another my friend and i buill was whe had paper cut out in the shape of flags (variety colours) hanging off the jump with streamers along the poles.

    Yea but your ideas are good as well

    Have Fun!!!

  7. -brightly painted poles and standards

    - planks and walls

    - natural things like logs

    - liverpool

  8. Those flappy triangular flags they use at car dealerships.

    Old tires lined up under the jumps

    Wagon wheels

    Kitchen chairs in a line make a scary jump

    Wood bed footboards

    Strangely painted things - one jump that's always scary is a rainbow, either painted on a plain 2x8 sheet of plywood, or even better on a shaped piece.


    Sheets draped over the pole

    Painted sheets over the pole

    Put artificial flowers all over the jump; use Christmas garlands with styrofoam type decorations across the rails

    A single rail with nothing under it

    A cut out jump - a plywood panel shaped like a bridge, or a big T, and painted to look like stones.

    Pumpkins under the rail; corn shocks at the standards

    THis is fun...  so much fun I keep adding.

    I once had to jump one made of those metallic child's pinwheel things.  They were turning in the breeze and sparkling in the sun...  we went right over, but lots didn't!

  9. old picket fence stuck in the ground

    to plant pots and a broom over top

    a few plants in a row

    a rope or string tie from tree to tree with a towel or sheet on top

    an old basic chair layed on its side with saddle pads or sheets over top

    trash cans

    standing trash cans with tarps over top

  10. you know what totally freaked out my show hunter? A line of little plastic flowers, the kind hes jumped a million times in flower boxes, just stuck in the ground.  He must have over-jumped those by 4 feet!

    There are lots of great ideas here, but please, don't jump anything that your horse could get a foot stuck in - chairs could be very dangerous.  As could buckets with handles, or tires.

    You can find great stuff at yard sales - I have a jump made from some of those brush -like things that go behind the tires on motor homes? Got them for a quarter at a yard sale, spray painted them purple.  I have a giant stuffed snake that I'll put under fences or wrap around the poles. Get some boards & paint stripes or zig-zags on them - horses don't like those.

    How about barrels, or better yet, a single barrel with no wings? or use some shorter rails to make a "skinny".
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