
Unitarian Universalist's/Relevant truth's influence in society?

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Could anyone direct me to an article, book, or even a blog about the effects of Unitarian Universalist "theology" on society. Or on the implications of "relevant truth" on society?

Or does anyone have an educated opinion on either?





  1. If you have a fast connection,

    is the UUA Legislative Ministry in California. That's a polite word for lobbyist, more or less. Their web designer and I have different philosophies about speed vs. dazzle.

    They were in the forefront of the campaign to let single-s*x couples get married, just like normal people do. Theirs was the only brief cited in the court's decision, out of a couple of thousand submitted.

    We were in favor of civil rights for homosexuals back in the early 1970's, before it was popular.

    We're small enough, and society is big enough, that we haven't had huge effects on it, the way, for instance, biologists have to keep fighting with the fundamentalists about evolution, or the astronomers had to keep fighting the Pope about the earth moving.

    Richard Henry Dana, who wrote "Two Years Before the Mast" as an effort to better conditions for merchant sailors, was a Unitarian.

    Robert Gould Shaw, who led the 54th Massachusetts Colored Infantry to death and glory, was a Unitarian. We were big on Civil Rights for Black people before that was popular, too. In 1863 that included the chance to charge a fortified position across open ground, just like the white soldiers did. That didn't change society much, stupid generals kept sending brave men against fortified positions until the end of the war, and they did more of the same in World War I; but the men who died there paved the way for other men (and today, women) of color.

    I have never heard the phrase "relevant truth"; can't help you there.

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