
United States Army PSYOPS MOS?

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Now that i've figured out when the station opens, i put together questions to ask the recruiter, but i don't want to ask stupid questions or questions so specific he won't know what to tell me really. I've looked into the Marine and the Army, and i've decided that my main interest is Psychological Operations.

In the Marines though, they still bar women from entry (according to HUMINT on is it the same for the Army?

I know we train at Ft. Bragg where the Special Forces Command is, and the Active component is Airborne (I'm a possible 6yr enlistee.) i know mostly airborne units are Rangers, or Infantry so am i allowed to take that course?

I also read that i'd have to do "Special Operations Training", isn't that Special Forces Training, which my first recruiter made very clear, i could not do?

I'm a bit all over the place, so just answer any of my many questions you can, haha.




  1. I know for a fact that as a female you can go into PsyOps as an MOS in the Army (when I was thinking about joining it was the MOS I picked).

    As far as the rest of your questions - your recruiter should know the answer to them and if not then he should be asking his boos and they'll either talk to you about it, or give  your recruiter the correct info.

    Good luck!

  2. Awesomee 37Foxtrot! I was supposed to leave in January for PSYOPS in  FORT jackson and FORT BRAGG. thats the only places they train along with Civil affairs. If you are active army and not reserve, you are required to become airborne. Check If you are reservist it is not a requirement. You are correct many airborne units consist of rangers or infantry, but there are some airborne MPs and definitely some airborne PSYOPS, again it is a requirement for you to go airborne.  PSYOPS is alot of fun but you will have to take a test called the DLAB. Have you taken it? There is no way to study for it. It's either you get it or you don't. It is fairly hard, i have taken it. Depending on your scores you will get places into a specific language. High scores are Farsi or Chinese and lower scores are russian spanish etc. I'm not too sure about the SOT training. But PSYOPS is part of Special Operations.

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