
United States Border Patrol question.?

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If this is confusing i'll be happy to revise.

I'm 2 years away from a degree in communications, i'm living in Southern Cali and was interested in joining our countries border security system. My questions are, would it make sense to apply now for our border patrol while i'm focused on a degree as well, because a friend said "you'd be buisy for 2 years, but your young and their hiring and it's a great opportunity to start when your young". and carried on saying if he were 23 he'd do it. It's important for you to know that I have not yet enrolled in a state college as i've just finished community college so now would be a good opening to move forward, however would this mean that i may have to finish the degree at a texas or arizona state school?

how would this process look like...




  1. If it were me, and it was 30 years ago, I would finish my degree. It will help you when you are tired of chasing rabbits through the desert to advance in your career. You would be to busy to do both.

    Good luck.


  3. u should apply. They make good money,great job and u can go to school anywhere. U fill out an application, take a written test, go to the website and it shows u the process. It has a list of when they will be on what cities hiring

  4. not confusing, but you should go to the border patrol website and look at hiring practices

  5. You would apply, then of course you do an interview and background check. You need to be physically fit. I would say if you want to be closer to home, be a San Diego border patrol. They have an ATV patrol, horse riding, and the basic fott patrol of the border. I posted the link. I say just finish the degree where you are at then move to San Diego and be part of their border patrol.

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