
United States Emigration?

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I've a few questions about emigration to the United States from the UK

What are the basic requirements in terms of qualifications and money

I have a university degree but my wife and adult daughter do not

My father also had a criminal record, will this be a factor?




  1. you must be eligible for a visa to come. there are very few channels of immigration into the US now. here are a few.

    -marriage, or sponsorship by a fiance pre-marriage

    -work sponsorship, a company must sponsor you to come

    -immediate relative

    -lottery(non-applicable for UK residents)

    -large investment

    -refugee status

    -student visas, but temporary

    -specialist skill, a small number of these are given

    -artistic skill, you must be very well know and these are rare

    those are some ways you can find everything you need, immigration forms etc, here

    if you qualify its still a long and difficult process, and the cases are individual, if you like you can email me your situation and i can find out what channels you might be able to go through to immigrate here.

    no, your fathers past in no way harms your chances.  i think your best bet is work sponsorship, but that all depends on your degree.  your daughter can come along if she is under 21 and unmarried, otherwise its a long process.

  2. Your father is probably irrelevant, but never attempt to have him come visit you.

    University degree in what?  A BA is a dime a dozen around here.  Thousands of new BAs are Starbuck's baristas or back home with mom & dad while they keep job hunting.  And experience in...?  It sounds like your wife and daughter qualify for nothing that pays well enough to live on.  You need something really valuable, but your info is too limited here.

    You can apply to immigrate, and maybe by the time your number comes up (perhaps about 8 years for UK), the job market will improve.  Things are far worse here than the mass media are reporting.  Dig into the actual numbers and economists' reports and you will find over 380,000 Americans per week are losing their jobs (these are only those eligible for unemployment insurance; about half of American workers are eligible). Our "official" unemployment rate is rising faster than at any time in at least 30 years.

    As for getting a temporary work permit/employment visa, you would have to find a job with an employer willing and able to get a visa for you (you cannot apply yourself).  But with so Americans out of work, it is getting tougher for employers to prove that there are no qualified Americans available.  And they don't want to spend the time and money on visas.

    Sorry to sound bleak, but this is a lousy time to come to the US.  We are inundated with millions of new immigrants, students, work visa holders, and illegal aliens every year.  Some of them are giving up, upping sticks and going home.

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