
United States an Embarrassment?

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Many people are telling me how embarrassed they are of our will kill innocent people in other countries, and praise ourselves for it (a christian country?), how we plan to make a one world government (control?), and how our president cannot even finish his own sentences?




  1. They are idiots. What country kills dissenting points of view. Not the USA. What country will punish it's citizens with horrible punishments? Not the USA. Which country is a great leader in the world and only wants experienced help? The USA. Now stop dumping on my country and enjoy our benefits.

  2. well i' not American..but what a mistake it was for president Bush to go to war in Iraq..bad bad decision!!!

  3. Sorry, did you have a question? That's a statement with a question mark at the end.

  4. our country isn't Christian,, like most people think,unless why would crime continue to rise. ?One world government will NEVER happen, because there is too much greed and government control.I do feel like this country is an embarrassment because it lacks control,disrespect,prejudice and laws that are equal and for all, not just for the rich and those who can afford lawyers.

  5. There are obviously two points of view here.  For the most part, the view of the US held by the rest of the world is different then that which is held by Americans themselves.  

    Most outside the US view it as a hypocritical bully who will do what they want regardless of the cost or repercussions.  A country that invades Iraq for oil and over supposed human rights violations but thinks nothing about denying basic legal rights to detainees in Gitmo.

    Then, there is the way that Americans view themselves.

  6. 1. Tell those that are "embarrassed" to immigrate to a country that is more suited to their sensibilities

    2. It is more likely those that are "embarrassed" and so "worried" about our supposed international monstrous image are the ones that you need to fear setting up a "one world government." That's what Leftist and Liberals usually pine for.

    3. Speaking of Liberals... they are the ones that are deficit of intellectual arguments and most often stoop to libel, slander and character assassination instead.

  7. People don't have problems with the US.. Its just like us here in the US, we hate the idiots that run it..

  8. can you really think of any other place you could live that's any better..the whole world is screwed up..accept where your from and make the best of it ..the best advice..don't worry about the politics of life or this and any government..either try to make a change in the world or just make the changes for yourself to get along with this life..of course most people are not gonna change the world, live your life and don't worry about the the BS..GOOD LUCK

  9. yeah, i feel the same way..but don't lose hope and vote me for president!!

  10. Dont judge a group of people based on a small percentage of idiots that decided to blow up stuff and kill other people.

  11. It's true that the current US government has given a lot of hard working American people a bad name. Like it or not, this is the reality that faces us and threatens to drive a wedge between the United States and Europe.

  12. Those people are morons, and as far as I'm concerned all the hate the military, hate the country, anti war crowd should have their citizenship stripped.

  13. I'm a foreigner living in the U.S. right now and judging from what I see, I can understand why America is the laughing stock of the world. Granted there are many good people here, but it's only the idiots that get noticed.

  14. Yeah we are the laughing stock of many nations, most Americans will simply shout, "we don't care what other people think!"

    Many others fear us because of our n**i-like mentality against the Muslims.  They don't want to become a target.  We've pretty much screwed our entire nation with Bush as leader.  Now, will we be smart and elect a non-n**i to be president?  Or will we vote for that corpse running?

  15. After serving in the military now for 18 plus years, what innocent people are we killing? We are not an imperalistic country or gov't, if we were we would already rule the world.  I know many people from many different countries who still love America and want to come here.  Ur people saying those things to u should be deported to the Hindu Kush in Afghanastan, then mayb they would "GET IT".

  16. There's alot of good and alot of bad with this country. The problem is that people used to take a stand whenever something bad would become prevalent, but now, it's more popular to complain.

    We fear change. The status quo can feel safe, and even comforting, but unless, we, the people, make a movement, the men who run our country will continue to form a great divide, between those with power and those without.

    I'd say that one problem resides in the two party system. We should not have parties. Because of this system, the only people who make it anywhere in politics are those who accept and apply the ideals of their party. In that way, there are few candidates that will truly work for the betterment of the united states. (i.e. we end up with Bush... twice!)

    But politics is a very complex process, and if we don't keep a close eye, it can get quite irrational. Take back control. Vote. If you have an interest in politics, try to get in the ring. But try not to suck up completely... please.

  17. Yes, our president is a fool and we have become a fool of nations.  How old are you?  If you are young..I feel bad that must grow up in this country in this age.  The murder and deceit must stop.

  18. They are un-American, bleeding heart liberals as far as I'm concerned.

  19. I hate america u_U

  20. I'm proud of my country and what it stands for (or maybe used to stand for...) because it means freedom and I, like most people, like having my freedom. Though i do have to admit that some of the things happening with our country these days  are pretty embaressing and it does make me question why in the world I even defend our good old US of A's (verbally not actually fighting yet...) but just because a few bad decisions have been made in the past few decades doesn't change what America really stands for. And who cares about Bush and his screwed up self he'll be gone soon and we'll all have a new r****d for a president yaaay lol.

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