
United States is the best country in the world. Do you think there are countries with more freedom?

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United States is the best country in the world. Do you think there are countries with more freedom?




  1. I highly disagree with the fact that you require a serious answer when your question begins with an opinionated sentence. I'm sure that there are countries with more freedom, such as Holland. No legal drinking age, legal marijuana, legal brothels. That sounds pretty free to me. You pretty much have freedom of speech, as well. Granted, taxes are high as h**l because of socialized medicine, but, hey, you can't have everything.  

  2. I know there is not one country that has our mind set We have 150 million people who are welling to keep the country strong

  3. New Zealand, Holland, Costa Rica, Denmark, I can think of a lot more.

  4. I think there are a few. Our freedoms are slowly getting stripped away all the time. They say what goes up must come down, and I think the United States will fall one day.

  5. Freedom in what? Americans work the hardest to be free from debt.  

  6. Micronesia maybe.

  7. Unfortunately, there are. Hong Kong is nearly a true freemarket, whereas the U.S. has a limited free market. If Obama gets elected, I'm afraid the free market won't exist in our country anymore.

  8. LOL 'best country in the world' you can't be serious.  Plenty with more freedom Australia and New Zealand for a start.

  9. I'm not from USA originally and I'm from the 'other side'. Trust me it is hard to find the freedoms you have in this country anywhere else.

  10. we're in so much debt

    our country isnt the best anymore


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