
United nations has failed in its responsibility?

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no matter whether you agree or disagree with the motion , just give your debating for my university for the final round.......




  1. UNITED NATIONS FAILED in everything.They accomplished sending a lot or refugees with all their problems to other Countries.These people they send are the main culprits who incites violence then run  to the UNITED NATIONS when theyre about to get into trouble.You can only get success if everyone peacefully protest against their goverments,not burning cars,killing their fellow countrymen because they are from a different tribe.These are not helping themselves or even try to help their own people because theyre too depended on other countries to feed their poor and starving people.You cant solve anything by uplifting people and send these un-educated people to other countries taking with them their bad ,evil ways.

  2. Human Right to Peace in all constitutions or equivalents could prove it has not as it is an inspiration for this suggestion through David Roche.  The Human Right to own the planet and conserve planetary resources if put forward as a suggestion by the UN as something citizens could put in their constitutions might prove it is not a failure. The same requirements for Security Council members might also help.

  3. I should say the creators of UN failed it. The UN in my thinking was formed to prevent the second world war. If you see the provisions of UN including the Veto power, that is what is borne out. The 2nd world war was a casualty  of the unanimity principle on which the League of Nations functioned. So the vision and principles of the UN were limited to just that and nothing more. It did not adapt itself to changing situations. Its cause was also not helped by the lack of support of the major contracting parties that it had to endure over time. So in my opinion,the UN was destined to failed in an Uni-polar world.

  4. The UN became a failure and a Useless Nothing. It is no longer the international organisation to support peace and human rights. It is a playground for the world's most brutal and corrupt dictatorships. Dissolve it or reform it!

  5. The U.N. has failed at everything it does and serves no purpose. Kinda like the DNC.

  6. If it was really a United Nations, why does the US have to foot over 60% of the bill

    Forest D. Bynum

  7. A point for it has not failed

    What was the main point of having the UN around?

    To prevent World war III

    Yes, we have had many other ways...but not WWIII. Therefore the UN has not failed in its responsibility

  8. united Nations formed after the second world war, moreover the continuation of the dissolved league of nations has helped make many contributions o peace thoughout the world but it has also failed in many aspects. Unfortunately, some countries have more power thank others and it cannot be considered as United as its name suggests. Usually, it has worked in best interest of some countries more than others. countries have to pay the U.N to remain an amount each year the U. S has not for more than 2 decades and they are still the leading voice. Iran-Iraq war where tyrrant saddam hussein used mustard gas and other biological weaponry nothing was done and millions suffered.  Most importantly, it has not done much in trying to help the united states and the u.k in iraq and is watching on the sidelines. However, they have also made lots of contributions which I will leave to others with a pro-u.n ideology to state. Hope this Helps. Im from France

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