
Universal Health Care?

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Do you think everyone deserves to be able to go to the doctor, dentist, hospital, eye doctor, and get medicine or surgery if they really need it?

Should we have health care for all citizens?

Is it wrong not to?

Should we just end the tyranny of the medical profession and the price gouging by the pharmaceutical companies to help people?

What are your opinions?




  1. The medical profession also deserves to make a profit, you wouldnt like having to work for no pay? Your simplified rationale to justify socilaized medecine exposes your absolute vapidness on the subject I dont think its worth wasting my time in attempting to explain to you. Read some books about capitalism and how it compares to communism.

    edit: Oh sweety, you have proven my point WHY you work in the capacity you do. The $100 example charge you used isnt an arbitrary figure, theres a lot that goes into determining cost and value. Its called supply and demand, & the system is going bankrupt since health care is given away free every days. In fact, billions of dollars worth every year. And the people rendering the care, like you, are getting stiffed. Youre shooting yourself in the foot, and dont dare call me a "rude" man, just 'splaining something you shouldve (but didnt) learned in socialized public education years ago.

  2. YEAH! I agree.

  3. Yes. Every single person in the whole world should have health care. There is no reason not to and we should end the tyranny to help people. I agree with you. The world would be a better place.

  4. If you don't work you don't eat!  Same should go for hospitals!

  5. The 'tyranny' of the medical profession exists now because of government involvement.  What would posses you to believe MORE government intrusion will make it better?

  6. there's nothing tyrannical about the medical profession....

    It's the insurance companies who profit from denying care or denying payment for care.

    All of the real revenue in the healthcare industry is eaten up by the insurance companies in the form of profits.... we just need to do away with them, or at least provide an alternative.

    there is no reason we cannot improve the quality of healthcare in this country and provide it to all citizens.

    France has the worlds best healthcare system according to WHO( World health Organization )...and the US ranked 47th.

  7. Socialized medicine is a bad idea.  People will get sub-standard care.  I'm with you on price gouging reform.  People scream when the price of gas goes up 10 cents, but say nothing about the price of an aspirin at the hospital.  If gouging laws for health care, insurance, and prescriptions were made and enforced, then people who had no insurance would either be able to afford private insurance or could afford to pay out of pocket.  

    Everyone is entitled to the same quality of health care, but I don't think I should have to pay for it.  

  8. I think it sux that hard working families can't afford health insurance let alone dental. If you are a convicted criminal, an irresponsible person bringing child after child into the world (and so on and so on) our taxes will pay your health care. Did you know that some welfare recipients can receive fertilization treatments to help get pregnant?  If you are a hard working mother (like my sister) supporting her family you are paying for other people's health care as well as your own and your family's for $500 a month. That doesn't include dental. I could go on and on about this and how terrible it is that some elderly people who've worked their entire lives contributing to society can't afford their copays and meds.  I'm fed up!!!

  9. no, more taxes booooo!

  10. I agree with you. you see firsthand from an RN point how having no health coverage affects people. everyone says "the ER can't turn people away for no coverage". yes they can.. if it's not an emergency.. I have seen it. People love to say "why should I pay for some fat person who refuses to excercise and care for themselves". not all fat people are fat by choice. u know as a nurse that meds make people fat and so does physical ailments. people with things like arthritis can't exercise the proper way. Poor people can't eat properly. If you don't have money for health care. how do  you have money for fruits and veggies.. you don't.   I have medicare but I have no dental coverage and my teeth are very bad. it will cost me $20,000 to get my teeth done. If I had coverage, I could have had them done before they got that bad. Now, I can't have them done and ultimately it will affect my health. I agree with you.. I would rather have to wait 6 months for a procedure than not to have it at all. People think that if UHC kicks in it will be a disaster but how can it be more of a disaster than it is already if you can't even afford to see a MD for a bottle of antibiotics. These same people that are screaming "it will raise my taxes and all these other excuses" will be the first one to yell "why doesn't anyone want to help Me" if they didn't have coverage. It's a shame that in America we have citizens dieing of things that could be treated if only you were rich.

  11. Yes every person in America deserve medical

  12. Health care is a privilege not a right.  Jesus himself had no health care plan, and he lost no sleep over it.  Get up, go to work and become an earner, and pick a plan.  Those who do that are covered.  I would entertain care for children, no exceptions.  But adults?  Nope.

  13. Yes



    We should enact tort reform to bring down healthcare costs that have skyrocketed from excessive malpractice insurance premiums due to outrageous jury awards...thanks to ambulance chasers like Edwards.

    We should not make our neighbors pay our medical bills

  14. As a physician, I would like to state that I did not spend 4 years in college, 4 years in medical school and 5 years of residency to take a pay cut. Canada physicians under a universal healthcare system make about 42% less than their american counterparts.  Healthcare is not a right, it is something that is earned.  If you can't afford healthcare, maybe you should cancel your cable and internet.  The priorities in the United States are wrong.  People can afford it but they choose to pay for other things.  I have worked hard to get where I am and I don't think I should have to pay the price for others problems.

  15. The worst offender in all of this is the insurance industry. Each major health insurer makes profits of over $1 million per day. They decide who has what care, who gets what medication, and we still pay outrageous co-pays and deductibles.

    The only way to have a system of care for every one is to either totally eliminate the insurance industry from health care, or make it a non-profit administration only industry.

  16. For a fiscally conservative answer, yes. Everyone should have access to a primary care physician. Preventative medicine is MUCH cheaper than having so many extremely expensive emergency room visits by the uninsured. A social neoconservative answer would be NO, let them eat cake - no health care for those who cannot afford insurance, let them suffer and DIE.

  17. It IS NOT the government's job to provide healthcare. In fact do some research into Socialized Healthcare systems in Europe and Canada. Its free, but is it acceptable quality? Is it acceptable that people die waiting for government agencies to approve their applications to recieve life-saving procedures? Do you know what standing in the line at the DMV feels like? Well imagine that but your life depended on it and instead of being able to yell at the dumb woman behind the counter, you are on a 1-800 number at the mercy of a little automated lady-menu-thing. And tell me, when was the last time you heard of Austrailia or Canada or France making a ground-breaking medical discovery? Socialized medicine - like socialism - offers NO incentive for people to better themselves or produce anything extrodinary... which is why Socialize anything ALWAYS fails.

    If you nationalize healthcare then taxes are going to rise substantially and insurance rates are going to go through the roof. Ulitmately NO ONE will have the option but to rely on government subsidized healthcare and people like me who were willing to sacrafice the few extra dollars a month for insurance so that I could choose my healthcare options are going to be forced to ride the same boat as everyone else.

    Why not leave taxes where they are and perhaps even lower them so that people will have the extra money to take responsibility for themselves and put it toward healthcare. I guarantee you that these people who scream for the government to pay for their healthcare will just as soon turn around and buy a new X-Box or get their nails done. You can afford to do all that but you can't spend the money to take care of your health????

    Look at France for example. In 2006, the average citizen payed between 41% and 46% of their income to the government. Compare this to 30 years ago when it was nearly half that rate. It is estimated that Socialized medicine is now costing each citizen upwards of 28% of their annual income.

    So, lets say that I make $50,000 per year salary. $14,000, yes that's FOURTEEN THOUSAND of my dollars, which I earned are paying for healthcare. If I have to visit the emergency room twice in one year, that is the same as me having to pay $7,000 per visit.

    Think this is Bullsh**? Just wait and see.

    This is opposed to now, I pay only $200 per month for my health insurance.

    My BIGGEST problem however are the HUGE misconceptions about the proposed National Healthcare. Some people are advertising it as "Free" Healthcare. Hillary Clinton claims that it would only cost about $800 per year per person to administer. This is IMPOSSIBLE.

    Doctors will still need paid, medical facilities still need funds, and the program itself will cost billions to start, employ its administrators and to continue running.

    All of this will be funded by tax dollars.

    Also, look at the probems inherent with the proposed programs:

    #1 The government, through this agency will essentially control your healthcare. This means that you will have to apply to the government for the healthcare that you need. Then if you need a procedure or treatment, you will have to get that approved as well. What other countries that have socialized healthcare have experienced is that the all-knowing, all-seeing government takes this one step further and actually places you in a wait status for the procedure based on the severity of your condition compared to other peoples'. So, lets say you are diagnosed with cancer, but the doctor does not feel that treatment for it is needed yet. Buddy the second I find out I have cancer, I'm doing eveything I can to get cured. Under National Healthcare however, you do not have that right. You have to wait in line as funding is allocate first to people with more severe cases than you. People say that then you can opt to pick up private health insurance, but in reality NO insurance company will provide coverage to ANYONE who has cancer as a pre-existing condition, so then you are at the mercy of politicians and the system.

    #2 Under National Healthcare, you do not have the right to refuse treatment either. If you are prescribed a medication that is cheap, but that makes you go bald, and the only other medication for your condition is very expensive, the system is likely to provide you with only the cheapest medication. If you refuse it, the you are dropped from the National Healthcare plan because you would be considered a risk. Then, just like abovr, you are stuch with NOTHING as no insurance company will then pick you up with that pre-existing condition unless you are willing to pay HUGE premiums.

    #3 Why should I, if I am willing to pay for insurance to avoid all that I have described above, have to have my taxes raised for others to have free, government-controlled healthcare that I will not benefit from??? Do you even realize how much your taxes will rise to be able to implement this???

  18. pay for your  OWN dam health care.

    Stop asking ME, to pay for YOUR health care.

    Take care of YOUR own kids, stop asking ME to pay for YOUR kids.

  19. No way!  Do some research on the "not so good" universal health care is in Canada.  It would cause longer waits to get for annual or serious exams by your doctor.  Months just to get an MRI to rule out cancer.  And YOU and me would have to pay for it.  Where do you think the goverments going to get the money to fund it????   It would lower expert and experienced care from better doctors.  You wouldn't be able to choose what specialized doctor to go to.

    Wait your an RN.....want to work for free do ya??!!

  20. the guy who said no more taxes is a r****d.  Does he not relize that when someone poor comes into the hospital who cant pay for it or even those who go medical bankrupt cant pay does he even have a clue that when these people dont pay we the tax payer pay for it.  Tax payers are going to pay one way or another why not in a universal form that is not as high cost?  So yes the answer is this is one socialist program we could use.
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