
Universal Healthcare? Why doesn't America have it?

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Side note: Anyone agree that SICKO was a great movie?




  1. Truthfully ?

    Because a democratic controlled Congress's, have tabled the measure, every time it has ever been proposed.

    Democrat Congress's tabled the measure when

    Truman, Johnson, Nixon, Carter and Clinton tried to get national health care.

    They refused to allow any of the bills out of committee to be voted on, each time.

  2. This is an interesting question you ask, and I think it's a bit more complicated than the fact that we have a multi billion dollar health care industry that spends millions of dollars lobbying our government against any form of universal health care (although that certainly IS true)

    The best explanation I've heard, in a historical context, is that after World War II when the other industrialized democracies of the world such as Britain and Canada were developing universal health care, we were busy fighting the Cold War, which not only cost us billions of dollars but also distracted us from the issue for four decades. Which would explain why America is the only advanced democracy without some form of universal health care.

    And even besides that, the sad fact is that many American are still afraid of "socialized medicine", and there might not be the overwhelming public support for such a program which would be needed to force our politicians to act against the special interests which have become ingrained in our political system.

    And for the record, I thought Sicko was an EXCELLENT movie. It should be required viewing for all high school students if you ask me.....

  3. Becuase they don't want free health care for their citizens.

  4. Everyone needs to start looking at the BIG PICTURE!

    What comes after universal health care?   Universal housing, universal education, universal transportation, universal food distribution, universal everything!

    These power-hungry politicians are not stupid.  When they want to take away something from you - wheather your money or your freedom - they always start small and on a perceived rational basis.  Once this snowball effect is started there is no way to stop it!  Look at income tax for example: It started out at about 1% for a seemingly rational reason. Same with all the entitlement programs.  How could anyone justify taking away any of the current entitlement programs!

    The saddest thing about universal health care is that everyone thinks it will be "free"!  It will be far from "free".  We will still be paying not only for ourselves, but for the people that refuse to work, and for the illegals that are not contributing anything at all to the system.  Plus, we'll be paying for the inefficient and waste full government run system of universal health care.

  5. Canada has universal health care and have the worst health care and the waiting lines for important surgeries are horrendous.  Wealthy Canadians come to the US for their medical care.

  6. There's a powerful fight.. not everyone agrees with it.

    It used to be that way in Canada before we adopted it as well.  

    Most Americans don't really have any idea of the Canadian system.  The Federal government doesn't run it.. provincial governments do.  So.. I live in Alberta.. my health care system is different than in Ontario and Quebec.  Similar, but different in funding, structure, etc.... so you can't really generalize the Canadian system at all becuase it differs from place to place.  For example... there are private hospitals in Alberta... I do have health insurance.. it ISN'T free here.. but definitley subsidized.  I can't say the same for other provinces.

    Now that I've set the record straight a little bit, so some have a clue..... it'll encounter lots of fight before it happens.  As I've said, it was that way in Saskatchewan (first province to get universal health care) and it was a very bitter fight until it finally happened.  Then it did happen....

    I should add that Saskatchewan had universal helath care.. paved all the provinces roads, AND balanced the budget... it CAN be done.

    I should also add that after the Saskatchewan example the rest of Canada followed suit because of the success story there.

    HOWEVER, doctors, insurance companies, drug companies, and the Conservatives in most provinces bitterly opposed universal health care.

    It seems as though history is repeating itself.. only this time it's South of the border.

  7. Historically there has been very little need for universal healthcare. Most diseases would either kill you, or they wouldn't--without expensive medicines to treat everything from your irritable bowel to your restless legs, you probably wouldn't have spent much money on medications if you were around in the 1930s. Appendicitises and other problems that could be fixed with the surgeries of the day were often done in charitable hospitals frequently ran by nuns.

    In short, America doesn't have universal healthcare because, until recently, its universality was pretty much a given. It was cheap enough that there was no need for a government to provide it.

  8. because we aren't a socialist European type of society, we are free and don't like government interference in our everyday lives here in America. well most of us like it like that, there are a few who like the big government t*t to suckle on.

  9. Because it's likely not unconstitutional in other countries.

    Also, anyone who relies on Michael Moore for information is a moron.

  10. universal health care has good cheap care, such as a $10 vaccine. You have to wait for care costing $100. You will never get care worth $1000. You will die instead.

  11. Because it doesn't work. Canada has it but it takes forever to see a doctor. If the U.S. gets it im moving to Mexico.

  12. Why don't we throw in universal food, universal housing while we are at it?

    Where the h**l is it written that the government is supposed to take care of your needs?

  13. Great question. If Canada can afford it, then why can't the so called richest most powerful nation?

  14. Because President Clinton has friends who are invested in health care insurance companies.

    if the USA were to change and have a universal health care plan that means the Clinton's and there friends would lose billions of dollars.

    somewhere down the road the USA became this CAPITALIST country where only a few peoples pocket books mattered.

  15. It doesn't work

    UK and Canada are proof

  16. Because it is a horrible idea.  Look into the problems within the system...  look at the Canadian system and all the other countries that have the system.  I have spoken with people that live in countries that have universal health care and it is not all it is cracked up to be.  They have to wait in long lines for surgeries and doctor's visits, their taxes are much higher than America's, they don't have advancements in the medical field...  a lot of people come to the US for surgeries and the such because they have to wait too long, or cannot give them the treatment they need because the health care system does not have the funds to cover it.  It will create an unnecessary bureaucracy that will make it difficult for us to get anything done.  

    The system will get congested with people going to the doctor for routine things and keeping people with significant problems having to wait in line.

    My friend had  retinal detachment, which you can go blind from and had to wait MONTHS to get surgery when it should have been an urgent thing.  

    SICKO is a flawed movie that stretches the truth, lies and only shows the "good" things about universal health care.  Do some research and see for yourself.  And NO biased propaganda on either side of the spectrum should ever be used for educational purposes unless both sides are going to be heard and they will have an open dialogue!  

    Its no wonder more and more Canadians are getting private health care.  

    I believe there needs to be a change within our system but universal health care is NOT the answer.

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