
Universal Healthcare (for the americans)?

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I live in Sweden and here if I would have an accident I know that I'm covered by our universal healthcare. Yes, we have some of the highest taxes in the world but I think it's worth almost every single cent. Almost every westernized country except for The United States has some kinda' universal healthcare/coverage.

Wouldn't you rather pay a little more tax and you that you have that kinda' insurance?




  1. For one, almost everyone is covered either through the employer or through the Federal government.  The ones that are not covered can get free emergency care so we really do not need a Universal Healthcare especially in light of the Canadian system that is going to a joint private/ public style.

  2. It's a great idea in theory.

    Sweden  is a small country, so socialism of that nature has a MUCH better chance of working out decently. With our government, and the large size of it, usually the money is funneled through NUMEROUS bureaucrats pockets before it gets  to the source.

    Socialism just doesn't work on a government this size. They've already mucked up their first program (social security) and are already on the way to s******g up the public education system. The LAST thing that I want to do is hand them responsibility for my healthcare!

    If the states want to run healthcare programs on their own, that's fine with me as long as the majority of taxpayers vote for them.

    The feds should have NOTHING to do with it though.


    Our governments Federal Food and Drug Administration program is the reason that we pay so much for drugs.

    After a drug is initially invented, the FDA requires companies to spend nearly 19 years (and LOTS of money) at testing the drug before allowing it onto the market. The testing alone drives the cost up quite a bit.

    Not to mention, many peoples lives are lost when the life-saving drugs are not allowed on the market sooner. I do think that there should be checks and balances for safety reasons but 19 years? That's just ridiculous!

  3. No.  If the rest of the world stuck burning torches up their rear ends, I would not do it.  I would think for myself.

    The US government cannot run anything effectively.  They keep trying socialism, and it does not work every time it is tried.

    Government is much of the problem.  The health care industry and the health insurance industry are some of the most regulated in the country.  

    Free enterprise is the answer.  Competition, if unhindered, keeps prices in check.

  4. 88% of our citizens have insurance.  It's not as big of a problem as people would have you believe.  Not to mention I don't trust our government with my health.  They have proven time and time again they are unable to run a single program cost effectively or efficently.

  5. NO, and mind your own business.  I don't want to pay for someone else's health care as well as mine.  Let them buy their own.  Osama wants to give this National Health care to the illegal immigrants too.  I should pay for them?

  6. I lived in Lund, Sweden during 2004-2005, so I have first hand experience with what you are speaking about.  While I think that universal healthcare sounds great (who wouldn't want to eliminate the stress of paying for treatment?), I experienced some negatives that need to be addressed.

    1)  One of my friends cut his face and needed stitches.  He ended up waiting several hours in the ER for treatment (not saying this is typical, but it did happen).  I'm not saying this doesn't happen in America... but the more bureaucracy you have in healthcare, the longer it takes for treatment.

    2) Not all healthcare in Sweden is completely free anymore.

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