
Universal Heathcare in America . What are you're creative ideas for providing it ?

by Guest56566  |  earlier

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To the first responder , I asked what are creative ideas for providing universal care , not how sarcastic you can be .

I think it is time we destroy the attitude you potray and take a little bit back from the fat cats that have helped to put in us this mess.




  1. Whatever the health care benefits members of Congress are entitled to then that same plan is good enough for the American people.  By the way what is their plan called?  We should also have what ever the prescription privileges they enjoy as our elected officials.  If what Congress has is Universal Health care then so be it. It is simply hypocritical for any of them to tell us we can't have what they have and we elect them and they spend our dollars, sometimes without our permission. This can be done, so they need to get on the stick, or make room.

  2. simple

    Everyone get a job & pay for your own insurance. If you can not afford insurance don't make me and others like me pay your bill.

    My plans easy huh? doesn't involve robbing anyone.

  3. I do not support the idea of Universal Health care in the United States; However, I do believe the United States needs a Government sponsor health care program to provide health care to Americans who otherwise simply cannot afford it. This would include the Poor, Senior Citizens, and College Students.

    As a college student, I have student health insurance but since it is not effective and not too many places in my community actually take my health insurance, I end up paying out of pocket and my only health service I have is through the school I attend after I pay for my Health Fees.

    I do believe that All Americans deserve health insurance and it should be affordable for All Americans. After all, our taxpayer dollars goes to keep hospitals open, so that public safety workers can stay in uniformed, and so that new cures and treatments can be found. I do however do not believe we need Universal Health Care like in Canada because the government will decide where you can and cannot get medical treatment and I believe the individual should decide where they want to get health care from and not the government deciding where they get their health care services from.

  4. Abolish all private health insurance companies, and let the sole provider by government agencies!

    That way, not only will everyone have adequate health care, but it will allow more tax dollars to go directly to something worth while, while being drawn from the same source. I.E. Health care tax.

    This will also abolish the worry of Insurance companies ripping people off, like they all do.

  5. Not to provide it. I'll continue to manage my families health care myself thanks. Been doing it for 30 years.

  6. First realize that helth care is not the same as health insurance.  Health care is the actual professional care that one receives from doctors and nurses.  Health insurance is a business that profits by charging premiums for providing help in paying for medical expenses.  Health insurance companies do absolutly nothing to provide care.  They helkp pay for the care with money received in premiums.  To make a profit, health insurance companies must receive more in premiums tha they pay out in claims.  The same insurance companies that sell health insurance sell malpractice insurance to doctors and other health care providers.  The major problem is that health insurance companies that do not actually treat any medical conditions whatsoever, control the cost of health care and subsequently, the cost of health insurance.  The fastest and cheapest road to universal health care is to eliminate the comapmnoies that make huge profits from health care that they do not even provide.

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