
Universal Question?

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How Can I as One person make a difference?




  1. take heart, you are not alone, we are many. do what you can, spread the word, spread the love.

  2. if you try to make a difference many will follow.

    help us god bless


  3. A personal difference would be self-realisation (search, find and meet God);

    A humanitarian difference:  charity work (open schools or help those that are opened already for poor kids in the developed countries, etc)

    stop the consumption of meat (it is not humane and is anti ecological, and will avoid many animals suffering a hellish life and death);;

  4. Do what most politicians do - start from scratch, become an MP and then try to change the world we live in. I know it sounds like an awful lot to do, but if the members of the present labour party cabinet can do it, so can many others.

    Have I done it? I can hear you say.

    I've been to the town hall, got an application form to become an elected member on the local council, got a list of all those in my ward and then sat down and put my mind to it. My mind was not up to it because all the local issues overwhelmed me.

  5. Everything you do counts.  Walk to the corner store or if you are going to a bunch of places park your car in the middle and walk to do everything.  Recycle what you can.  Save your rain water if you can to water your garden.  I save my envelops from my mail to write lists on so I don't have to buy new note pads.  Then I recycle the envelope. Energy efficient light bulbs.  Unplug appliances that aren't being used. Try one or two new things a week and see what is easy for you to keep doing on the regular basis.

  6. View fuel as a necessity and not as a luxury, you will save money and do as much as should be required of you in a rational regulatory environment.

  7. Don't pee in the sea.


  8. Do what you want. Every thing you do makes a small difference.
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