
Universal Studios souveneir drink cup- can it be used more than one day for refills?

by  |  earlier

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I used to buy one cup and use it several times to get the discounted refills. I haven't gone in a couple years, just bought annual passes and got a new cup... but I see they are now marked discounted refills that day-? do they have a color code or something to keep track?




  1. Once you buy it you can bring it back.

  2. When we were there last year, we bought a refill cup, and it said in big letters on the cup FOR DAY OF PURCHASE ONLY, but we used it for all three days we were there, noone ever asked for proof of when we bought it or anything.   I had assumed that the color was the coding, but different stands in the park were selling different colored ones on the same day.

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