
Universal healthcare or social security benefits- what if you could choose?

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Universal healthcare or social security benefits- what if you could choose?




  1. I favor the Don't work Don't eat principal ! Of course  I realize there are people that can't work.

  2. social security, people work their whole life way for it, social health care is only good for the people that dont work for a living, it just taxes the c**p out of the people that do work making their retirement worse and there is no actual incentive or repricusion for never haveing a job

  3. Social Security we Worked and Paid into it...If the Banks  and Oil companies keep failing it will All be a Moot Point

  4. Social Security benefits. I live in Canada and we get the former. It  can take months to get simple scans and tests done that could be done in no time in the States. And it's not like universal healthcare is free. We pay for it big time through our taxes (e.g. 13% sales tax, which was 15% until the Conservative party took over a couple years ago). Also, our government has been known to deport immigrants who developed deadly diseases while here in order to save costs (such as Juana Tejada, see the news link below). Under socialist healthcare, your sickness becomes nothing more than a statistic that the government must deal with. It probably won't be long before there are laws in Canada about taking care of yourself or being denied medical coverage. That will be a truly sad day.

  5. social security although both are a farce really

  6. Why choose?

    If you look at the facts, universal healthcare would cost the US less than it is spending now on healthcare.

    The USA spends more on healthcare PER PERSON than any other country in the world.  Thanks to its insane system, it has one of the highest death rates for kids aged under five in the industrialised world.

  7. ss benefits

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