I am asking this a second time because I did not articulate the question properly. First , I do not believe in universal healthcare. However , the system as it stands is totally unfair. Having done electronic billing for a doctors office , I think I can speak from with some authority on the issue( that does not mean I know everything there is to know). Presently , we insure thru our tax base , all government employees , all people on social security retirees , and the military. Take a moment and think about that , thats a lot. We also insure people under a certain income(at least in california) ,and also pay some survivors benefits. People who fall thru the cracks and say make 8 to 20 dollars an houtr get screwed , because they are paying higher rates when they see a doctor for cash. As far as the insurance companies go , medicare pays excellent , PPO's pay good , and HMO's have a self balancing system whereas the doctors makes a little money or mabey breaks even. My suggestion is to leave private insurance as it is , and quit paying thru our taxes for everyonr else except for seniors , who most have lost their ability to make what they did when they were younger , although not all. The tax savings to us would allow every one to have a "tax credit" at the end of the year to pay for an HMO , or a PPO , if they are lucky. The prices of medical insurance would come down drastically if we got everyone paying something mabey a couple of hundred dollars a month. Everyone b*****s they have no money , but somehow people find money for Mdonalds , lottery tickets, tobacco and liquor , so I am sure everyone could pay something. This is a logical question , and I am a talk radio listener and far right in my opinions (Rush , Oreilly , Larry elders , michael medved , hannity , hugh hewett , and yes ,even michael savage ,a great writer.So please try not to invoke that stooge's name michale moore when answering. If I had my way , I would have run out of this country on a rail. Thanks to all of you who answered in a positive last time , and for the moron who got his panties in a bunch , go s***w yourself.