
Universities in colombia?

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i lived in california my whole life but i go 2 colombia every summer.

to south of bogota

i want 2 move 2 colombia next year 2 go 2 university, everyone tells me i shouldnt because education is better in the US but i really want 2 go i love it there and i speak good spanish but not enough 2 write essays but i am willing 2 learn. do u still recommend 2 go? and what universites should i look into? that are good




  1. yeah girl, the education here is equals than USA, depents of the university , any way, the people here forget the best university of Colombia, in fact in engineering subject, Universidad Industrial de Santader, so much better than La Nacional of bogota, and Los andes.

  2. You should look:

    - Universidad Nacional de colombia:  


    - Universidad de los andes


  3. I dont think Education is better here than in Colombia. I am Colombian, and i have studied in both countries, and Colombian education is harder...Anyways, Los Andes University is really good, La universidad Nacional is also great...there is another one, but i cant remember the name...well, if you go to Cali, Univalle is the best...good luck in Bogota and you better want to go to the north of Bogota...

  4. i am 100% colombiana and i think that education is SO MUCH BETTER  there then here because there you have to actually study.. the one in Cali, colombia are very good

  5. Bogota has great universities and the education is equal to the US or superior depending which universities your comparing. I am from Barranquilla, which also has great universities, but I think you will enjoy Bogota better.

  6. There are a lot of good universities in Bogotá D.C.

    But It dependes of the career you want to study.

    If you are willing to spend a lot of money in a good university, you have a lot of options.

    Universidad de Los Andes

    Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

    Universidad del Rosario

    Universidad del Externado

    Universidad Militar Nueva Granada

    There are a lot of options, and the study is not better in the US.

    So, good luck, and the universities which I wrote are very expensive but are very good too.

    Good Luck, and if you need something, just let me know.

    See you!!

  7. Well, if you are looking to studying an engineering, you should go to Universidad San Buenaventura. This university ir really good in this field, and you should keep in mind, that all the subjects (or at least most of them) are in english. Take a look at their webpage:

    You can try this webpage too. The are all Universities in Colombia and their webpages.

    If you need something else, please let me know. I live in Colombia.

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