
Universities in england?

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I live in america, but i want to move to england. right now i'm 16, almost 17. I want to become either a music teacher or just a teacher. so my first question is which would be a better idea, a music teacher or just a teacher. My second question is which college would be best for me. I tried to find one online but theres tons of colleges and i don't know which ones have the courses i need to become a teacher or music teacher. so my third question is what do i major in. if i just become a teacher then i would major in education i guess, but if i become a music teacher, do i major in music or teaching or is there an actual music teaching course.




  1. May be this site can help you

  2. It depends what kind of area you want to live in.  

  3. Universities In UK

  4. 1) Become a teacher. That way you are much more marketable and are able to teach more than just music. Besides in most schools you will only get to be the music teacher when the old one retires.

    2) Which college in the U.K. There are plenty out there, it really depends on your budget.

    3) You would need to major in English and then minor in some form of secondary school teaching.

    4) If you decide to become a music teacher then you would need to double major (English and Music) followed by a minor in secondary school teaching.

  5. Try to search it on

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