
University: Am I making a mistake by waiting another year?

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I went to Brunel last year to study English and HATED it, absolutely horrible place.

So after a lot of thought, I've decided I want to study Architecture- this is not just a whim, it's what I was originally going to study, but I got scared and thought I wouldnt enjoy it so I took English, which, like I said, sucked.

Anyway, I could go through the ucas process and apply to UCL for 09 but I don't know if it's a wise idea to wait a whole year. If I go through clearing I could probably get a space at Kent for 08. I just don't want to rush into something, like I did at Brunel, but if I wait till 2009, I'll be 20 and I'm a little nervous about being an older student (even though 20 isn't that old)

Any help?




  1. If you're determined now...then you might not be in a year's time and therefore end up never going. however, you may take a year out and discover something you would prefer to do - or even decide that you really do want to go Uni in 2009. i was totally unsure last year, but the year out helped me make my mind up to go to Uni in Bristol. don't rush it - but there wll be something pushing you to do either or...and whichever way your mind is slanting do it!  

  2. 20 is far from making you an older student

    How about taking the year to work in a field related to architecture so that you have that experience to bring with you when you start school

  3. look at it from the point of where and what you want to be in 5 years time and work to that

  4. Always do something you enjoy as its something youl always have with you. Architecture at UCL is really good and well other unis do it too so dont worry about not getting through the course. If architecture is what you want to do and you can get a chance to do it this year then do try and go through clearing although make sure you see the uni and that its what you want. If you wait until next year its not the end of the world either believe me there'll be people who are way older than you.

    Personally i would say try and do it for this year than wait a year although some might argue that you can work and save money up but with fees going up you aren't gonna match the price so go to uni if you can, but if you have to wait its not a major thing either. Goodluck.  

  5. wait until you're ready. you'll just end up putting yrself off the idea all together.

  6. You should not wait too long to pursue a career in architecture. It is an accepted fact that architecture students will have to do a few years of "hard labor" in a well respected architectural firm before you are considered as a serious professional. Since they know this too, they tend to squeeze the time out of their young associates with large workloads as part of the process of paying your rookie dues. If you wait too long, your life may be more complicated or you will be less inclined to do this.

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