
University Question about results..??

by  |  earlier

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I have just finished my last 3 Modules for this semester...

they were..

Business Law

Global Economy

Organisation Studies...

i got 65% in Business law

only 41% in organisation studies

70% in global economy BUT i also sat an exam for this module which i think i did pretty rubbish in...

if i fail the exam will i have to retake this module????




  1. not neccesarily u could fail the exam and barely pass

  2. It depends on the university...on my course that I study, even though there are different elements like yours, I have to pass each part and can't pass one really well and fail another so that it balances out to a pass overall. So you may need to re-take the module or just the exam you did or it may be ok if you get a pass overall.

    Hope this helps

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