
University Requirements?

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When a University says the minimal average score required for application is 90%, do they mean the average score of all your courses in grade 12, or just the prerequisite courses?

I want to get into Architecture in McGill, and the prerequisite courses are English 12, Chemistry 12, Math 12 (pre-calculus), and physics 12. And they want an average of at least 90%. Do they mean the average score of the 4 prerequisite courses combined?




  1. This would be a good question to call and ask the university.  Every campus has different requirements and different ways the can be met.  Contact the admissions department (you can get their number through the school website).  I'm sure they get questions like this every day.  If you don't qualify for the 90%, whichever way they have that requirement set up, ask them if there is an alternative.  Some schools say for example: top 10% of class or ACT score of 27 or higher.

    They'll be glad to tell you.  There's a good chance that many others will probably call to clairfy about something also.

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