
University accomodation - what if you dont get a place?

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what heppens if you dont get a place, where do you stay, are you discharged from your course etc or are you put in some S****y terrace house in the city on your own




  1. Since most universities start in the next week or two, might be a good idea to call the school and find out.  It all depends on the school..../

  2. Dave W has good advice.  If you didn't get a place in the university's dorms, you need to find an apartment, etc. on your own.  If you don't find one, it's not the university's fault, and you may lose deposits, etc, depending on what the contract with the university calls for.

    I would go to the university area now if possible, or at least soon before classes start.  Then look around for housing, apartments, etc.  Lots of students are often looking for roommates to help cover the cost of an apartment, house, etc.  If you're looking for a place for the coming fall semester, you're probably not going to find a great place, unless you're willing to pay for it.  At the university near where I live, the best places are already rented for fall semester before the kids leave at the end of the prior spring semester.  You may be looking at the leftovers.  But you'll never know until you start looking.  And you better start that really soon.

  3. Not sure what country you are speaking about, but in the USA,  housing is the student's responsibility..

    They assume anyone signing up for courses at college or a University, is smart enough to consider where they will be living, and eating.

    Some colleges do offer dormitory living, and student cafeterias for an extra cost.

    If you were refused dorm space due to them being over-crowded, then I suggest you look around for relatives to stay with, or see if you can find apartment (or flat, as the say in England) that you can share costs with, with another student, also having same problems as you.

    Good luck, hope you get the best education.

  4. You are in the UK, correct?

    You wouldn't be discharged from the course. You'd be expected to find your own place to live.

    However, universities have housing offices, which can help you even with finding off-campus housing. Call them and, first, ask if you can be put on a waiting list for their halls of residence. Also ask them for other resources. The big cities all have independant, private student residence halls, where you can live, and the uni's housing office should be able to provide you with a list. You'd then contact those halls and make arrangements. The housing office may also have a list of student flat shares, or you can use the local newspapers and etc. to find a student flat share. Some students simply choose to stay in a youth hostel for those first couple of weeks, while they try to get into uni housing and also try to find a flat share.  

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