
University/college SCARED AS h**l?

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My university is starting next week, you do not know how unbelievably terrified i am. I'm scared, i don't want drama, my ex best friends are all their. I don't know if the work load will be overwhelming for me, i don't know where my classes are. I'm basically a wreck that hasen't thought about it all summer, and now i'm freaking out.




  1. Don't even worry about it. Just go an hour or so early the day of school and have a look around and find all of your classes.  It's what I did. I was nervous, you have no idea, and I just did that. I perused the halls until I felt comfortable and now I don't even think twice about where I'm going.

    In College, where your "ex friends" are concerned, there are so many people and new friends out there waiting to happen that...don't even waste a second thought on it. Enjoy the college experience. You'll probably have a ton of homework and it might seem overwhelming but don't even worry about it. A few years from now you'll look back on these years as great great years.


  2. its not as bad as you think it will be. trust me, your most likely going to love it

  3. Don't freak out.  It will be different and maybe a little scary at first, but you will come to enjoy college.  Keep up with your schoolwork and you'll be absolutely fine.  No freshman will know where their classes are right away.  Will you be arriving a few days before classes start?  Most schools have an orientation for the new students.  If your school does this you may have a chance to take time to find your classes before the first day.  Otherwise, just leave your room early on the first day to give you time to find the classroom.  Don't be afraid to ask other people (older students, staff members, professors) where a building or classroom is.  Most people are more than willing to help out freshmen the first few weeks.

  4. Just think about all the idiot adults you have met who graduated from college!  If they could do it, so can you!

    Seriously, it is understandable that you are scared, because after a few years of stability in high school, everything is changing.  Making a major transition in your life IS scary.  Know, though, that this is one of those times when you just have to "feel the fear and do it anyway."  I predict that you will be just fine after a couple of days.

  5. I started this week, I was scared too. The first day isn't so bad, it's just the days after where you start getting homework and reading assignments. It takes some time to get used to, I still haven't gotten used to it yet. After all, it is a new and strange place, and it's way different from high school. As for not knowing where your classes are, you might want to go to the campus a few days before school starts so that you know where they are, if you still don't know where they are, then your college should have a map to hand out on the first day and you can always ask the people you see where a certain class/building is.

  6. All you need to do is just relax and clear your mind up in the next week. Every incoming freshman at your school is in the same position as you are. Don't think that you are the only one.

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