
University of Chicago Graduates?

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What can you tell me about being a graduate student at the University of Chicago?

And if you can provide, specifically the MA in Middle Eastern Studies Program?




  1. I can tell you that there are not going to be many U Chi  grad students hanging around on Yahoo. -- that is because they are all studying. UCHi is famous for being one of the most demanding universities in the world, requiring very hard work from the dedicated students who are accepted there. Their programs also tend to take somewhat longer than grad programs in other schools, because they demand so much it just takes longer for the students to finish their degrees.

    If you are accepted at U Chicago you will work harder than you ever have in your life. When you finish you will have a degree that is highly respected by every knowledgable academic in the world.  

    By the way, the campus is very nice and Chicago is an interesting place to spend a few years, but the immediate neighborhood in some areas around the university is a little rough and urban. If that bothers you, probably U Chi is not the best choice.  

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