
University shootings...?

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Whats up with the "copy cat" school shootings? Doesn't it make you wonder what truely influences & motivates these people to do such a horrible thing?




  1. Yes. I think it makes these weirdos think its cool to do this kind of thing. Although, we should honor those lost and improve the security of schools.. NIU didn't even have any cameras. It's really sad and we need to prevent this from happening again.. I have lots of friends that go to NIU. It's only 45 minutes away and this is just tragic.

  2. If you are truly that depressed that you are going to commit suicide, I'm sure that their thought process is that they simply want to make others as miserable as themselves. Just makes you realize the importance of reaching out to everyone, suicidal or not, everyone needs a friend, and more importantly, they need God.

  3. I think what causes it is extreme depression and brooding...

    One of the things that seems to characterize all of these people is that they seem to feel powerless and struggle with anxiety.

    It helps to look at what type of schools these instances occur at -are they big schools? Do they have a group identity? Emile Durkheim -the sociologist who wrote about suicide said that big cities tend to have a higher suicide rate because the people are less likely to feel attached to their community. They feel isolated, and unimportant with no hope for their future.

    I think these individuals take their angst out in public to feel noticed and publicly express their despair before committing suicide.

  4. these idiots play to much games and watch to much tv.

    all wanna be gangsters. but why? if they got problems, they should GROW UP and DEAL WITH THEIR PROBLEMS.

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