
University?why do people assume your a snob just because youve got a place at uni.ive worked dam?

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University?why do people assume your a snob just because youve got a place at uni.ive worked dam?




  1. You are not a snob.  You have worked hard and deserve a place at university.  I would suggest that anyone who isn`t happy for you is not only jealous but also an inverted snob.

  2. How disappointing that your friends aren't congratulating you on this! Please accept my congratulations, anyway, for what they're worth!

    I don't think that they really feel that you are a snob. Behind your back, they're probably boasting about this clever pal of theirs! And they'll go on feeling proud of you as you progress in life.

  3. Not everyone! Lots of people will be really proud of you!

  4. I worked bloody hard to get to and through uni to this point (now working toward my doctorate). Sad lot those who think we are snobs. I think some are plain jealous, others prideful in their own ignorance and in their way are snobs of a different sort--right gits with attitudes toward us.

    My way: Let them think as they like. They are the ones who will miss out on knowing who we really are.

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