
Unknowingly eating during Ramadan.....?

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What happens if u are eating during Ramadan while fasting and then in the middle of your meal, u realize that u are not supposed to be eating?

Do u continue the meal, or do u stop all of a sudden?

Some hadiths would be perfect.




  1. Abu Huraira related that the Prophet of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said:

    "If anyone forgets that he is fasting and eats or drinks he should complete his fasting, for it is Allah who has fed him and given him drink." [Bukhari/Muslim]

    And Allah knows best.  

  2. u immediatly stop and ask for forgiveness...if u didnt do it intentionally that is.

    Love from Iran - keeep ure mouth shut...ure only talking nonsense... go to h**l.

  3. You have to stop eating.

    I saw some mad people on yahoo Q&A doing their heredity business here.

    Just ignore them,or enter their zone to humiliate them.

  4. Given the answer Desert fox has given and when i when i did it when i was younger, my dad just told me to chuck the food that was in my mouth and rinse my mouth and i guess along with that you should ask for forgiveness and carry on with your fast.

    Assalamu alaikum wb

  5. Well according to my mother (lol) You should just stop say authubillah and go on fasting. IF you eat unknowingly Allah still accepts your fast

  6. You should continue fasting after washing your mouth thoroughly, since you didn't eat intentionally, and fast is not broken.

    sorry I don't know of the sites for Hadeeths or sources!

  7. Stop all of a sudden, run to the washroom, stick the end of a tooth brush down my throat, barf everyhing out & im good to go.

  8. Allah forgives such innocent mistake.  Fast doesn't break unless one eats knowingly. . One can continue fasting rest of the day after such a mistake. .  There is no penalty of any kind for such an innocent mistakes.  

  9. You can continue to fast. Your fast is not broken because it was unintentional and God is all seeing and all knowing and knows it was an error and not intentional.

    You would not continue eating it you would stop as soon as you realized it was a mistake.

    Peace to you.

  10. Spit out whatever is in your mouth..go rinse your mouth out.......then continue fasting.   Ask for forgiveness too...

  11. don't continue ur meal, ask forgiveness, and continue your fast. unintentional things can tend to happen out of habit and Allah knows this. He will judge u according to your intentions

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