I've been having crazy symptoms of something and here they are...
- Severe Diarrhea, I'm talking my whole bathroom turns into the chainsaw scene on ScarFace... Except it's not blood everywhere...
- Extreme amounts of long, blue hair everywhere, I'm starting to look like an ape boy, that kid off of Jumanji, yea, like that except I"m infected with lice the size of quarters...
- I've been craving cookies like crazy, went to the choco-choco chip factory and gobbled down like 5 tons of it and then puked it back up all over some homeless guy on my way home, he ate it by the way, so I didn't feel bad..
- My voice is getting really deep and I can't talk very good anymore, and it hurts to not use the letter "C" in my sentences..
I dunno whats going on.. I was bit by this guy a couple of weeks ago.. Maybe it's associated with my symptons..
Apparently they shot him after a local cookie store robbery...