
Unknown pain in my left ankle - it comes and goes?

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it's been about 5 months since this pain in my left ankle appeared, it hurts mostly in the evening, only my left ankle. the pain stretches to my foot and the lower part of my leg, but the main source is the front of my ankle. i went to a physical therapist, told me my foot is perfectly fine, then i went to a orthopedic doctor, and he also said that he couldn't find anything wrong, but he told me to take this medication called Airtal for 30 days to see if the pain would go away: only while i took the medicine the pain would go away, when i didn't the pain would still be there.

the pain was unbearable, at night i wouldn't be able to sleep without taking pain killers.

then we did an x-ray test, even a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and still nothing wrong showed. the last doctor prescription was a medicine called Difen B12, for 15 days: it helped a bit, yesterday was the 15th day, and now the pain is back, not as much as before, but it's still there.

info: male - 17 - i exercise regularly, mostly jogging and pilates, and i follow a healthy diet.




  1. I had something like that.. it might be growing pains, tendinitis, or shin splints. i got it from not properly stretching before running and my muscles were  pulled and i kept pulling them and it was off and on. it's gone now but just make sure you keep it iced nightly and stretch properly

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