
Unknown "goo" in basement, help!?

by  |  earlier

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Our house was built in 1929 and is an all brick colonial, 2 story home. For the first time last week we noticed a "slimy,whitish,thick liquid on the floor". My wife insisted I did something with soap or whatever, but I didn't. She cleaned it up with Clorox and water. Today I saw another thick liquid and again we cleaned it up. There is no odor. We have absolutely no idea what is going on. It's about 1 yard from the wall and it looks like it was a "patched area" . Any suggestions ???? thank you




  1. It is probably water seepage though limestone, gypsum or white clay. It could be slime mold.but I doubt it. Etch the floor with concrete cleaner and then apply a concrete or basement water sealant.

  2. easy fix- thow rug.

    harder fix - find out the reason the patch was made. Then dig it up and/or redo with modern means. Could be a cast iron pipe repair that has failed.

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