
Unlike Hillary, Palin doesn't Get $MILLIONS from China & OPEC. Does that Mean Palin is not Qualified to be ?

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... in the White House?

(Bill "gives speeches" in China and Arab nations in return for tons of money.)





    Unlike Palin, Hillary knows the responsibilities of the office.  Case closed.

  2. We have a true middle class American on the ballot; America is beautiful.

  3. Palin's not qualified but on many other grounds.  Her entire state has half the population of the Bronx, one of New York's City's smaller boroughs. I would sooner have the Bronx Borough President as a VP choice.

    In addition, her views on the issues are entirely opposite to Hillary's since Palin is a right-wing conservative.  That disqualifies her in my view.  

  4. Palin is trash, she has no experience and she would rather build a gas pipe line than save the polar bears!!! Anyone who rejects an endangered spieces for gas and oil is trash in my book.

  5. quick demarcates find some dirt  

  6. We pay for it by buying chinese, might as well go eskimo country.

    I am buying an igloo. her wedding cost $35.

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