
Unlikely longevity of Noah and other Bible figures?

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Could modern anthropology definitely tell us whether it was EVER possible for a human to live 200 years or 1000 years ?




  1. I doubt it. Given the fact that much of the evidence as long returned to the dust from where it came the scientific method requirement for observation will probably be unmet.

  2. Anything is possible through God.

  3. In my view the outlandish ages seen in the old testament are the result of one of the four “authors” of what was to become the Torah (old testament to Christians).

    Of the four letters assigned to the supposed individual authors, Y, E, D, P and finally in the 2nd century, the fifth and final, the “author” R who created the final version of the Torah, one of the early re-writes tried the chronology thingy.

    The original author, “J”,  may have actually been one individual person as opposed to the rest which are almost certainly various committees over a period of years.

    None of the various renditions agree much but the original book, which was most likely a romance novel, but was taken at a later date by the “author” E as somehow inspired by a deity. We casn assume that this really began a process which eventually gave us the Torah.

    One of the redacting authors or groups, tried to establish a lineage between either current figures or established historical figures known to a potential reader and Adam and Eve. This attempt is responsible for the ridiculous ages required to make the connection because the author/s was locked in to an end time and had to require certain figures to live a really long time. lol.  I believe that when old Noah began construction on the ark, with stone tools no less and no building plan, he was almost 950 years old. lol

    It’s h**l when you make up of stuff only to have later generations get educated and begin to question or you are trying to con a parent with something called…experience.  I remember that when I was a youth, the lies I told my mother seemed so original and believable, to me.

    Jim D

  4. well the combination of virtually no pollutants, constant physical excersise, and an almost flawless diet can produce tremendous results

  5. The astounding ages reported in Genesis are used metaphorically to demonstrate that currently we are in a state fallen from grace.  In that time people were closer to god and thus were granted longer lives, better health, etc.  Because we have chosen to turn from God's grace we have been punished by shorter lives, diseases, and the like.  It is a literary device used to make a point and not a literal description of the length of their lives.  Modern Anthropology can show us in fact that life expectancy has been increasing rather than decreasing due to better nutrition (issues arise here), medical care, lack of predation, protection from the elements, etc.  If anything Noah and his ilk would have had harder lives, worse nutrition, less medical care, more strenuous work lives, higher chances of death from disease, predators and warfare.

  6. it's possible that people lived longer in that time because the earth was not polutied with all of the poisons and toxions we have in the world today, that kill us and cause our bodys to age faster and die.thats what makes sense to me.what do you think?

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