
Unmarried women... if you ever were to get married, would you or would not you keep your last name?

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And why?

I would definantly keep my last name b/c there is so much history behind it. Or I may adopt my grandma's last name b/c she was a great women with a lack of opportunity. She wanted to be a doctor, but everyone even her parents discouraged her. She regrets her whole decision to this day. I want to be a doctor or something else in the medical science area, but most likely doctor. I would maybe like to adopt her last name in her memory. She always says that I remind her of so much of what she is...

Note: I will respect all your choices whether you want to keep it or not. All is cool. Freedom of choice is good. This is just my opinion on what I'd want to do... :)




  1. I would take my husband's name so that there would not be any confusion for the children. Or anyone else for that matter.

  2. I will definitely keep my last name.  I love it.

  3. Since I plan to be established in my career by the time I get married, I will keep my last name in the professional world.  Privately, I will hyphenate my name with my husbands, but publicly, I will be known strictly by my maiden last name.

    I've been raised by wonderful parents and I am honored to remain tied to them throughout my life.  Plus, since I'm adopted, it's the only history I have!

  4. I would keep my name - it would feel odd having a different name than what I've been used to for 30 years :-)

  5. I'm planning on changing my current last name anyway, just because I dislike it. If I got married, I would either keep my last name or combine it with that of my husband into a new one.

  6. I would definitely keep my original last name. Why go through all the trouble of changing all your ID cards, passport, banking information, etc? What does it symbolize anyways? That you are now your husband's property? How come the husband never takes the woman's last name? I thought women and men were supposed to be equal?! And the kids.... why do they take their dad's name and not their mom's? In custody battles, the woman usually gets the kids in the end. So what gives?

    Besides all of that, I live in Quebec, Canada. Here, you can change your last time to your husband's name if you want, but you will be fined a thousand dollars by the governement. So, nobody here does it. It's 2008, there's no need!

  7. My aunt did that after she divorced her first husband. She didn't like her maiden name, so she went with her grandmother's married name.

    Me? I'm a traditional person when it comes to this. If I ever marry again, which won't be any time soon, I will take his name - more than likely.

  8. i already have 2 last names thanks to my effin mother and step father....

    but i currently use the last name i have had since birth..

    but if i ever got married i would take my husbands last name.

    but as far as medical stuff and all that...those would stay in my own name because its a ***** to change over!

  9. Change Definately, I want no contection with my family.


    They sexually abused me and smacked me around and almost killed me a few times. Dangerous sociopaths all of em.

  10. Definitely change it, my last name is nothing special & plus it's tradition.

  11. it depends. if the guy i marry has a cool last name (or it isnt that horrible) then yeah i will change it so we can be a family and stuff. but my actual last name is really idk

  12. I'll keep my last name as well as take my husband's surname. I like my surname because it reminds me of my g/grandpa and where he came from, etc. Also, I'd like my kids to know where their ancestors were from.

  13. when i Do get married, i plan on keeping my last name, only b/c some guys are stupid and think that they can own women by their last names. i live with my step dad that is like that all the time. and also, some guys just want to own you through their last names. not all of them. i know a really sweet guy, but he has NO backbone. he does whatevr i tell him

  14. I have never and will never change my last name.

  15. If I get married, I intend to keep my last name because:

    1. My mother kept her last name, and she's one of the women I admire most.

    2. It seems like a lot of trouble to have to change all of my IDs, papers, etc. to match a new name, and I'm lazy.

    3. It reminds me of my heritage.

    4. I may very well have an established career if I ever get married, and I wouldn't want to have to be recognized under a new name.

    5. The idea of remaining my own person is very important to me, and, for me, keeping my name is one way to express that.

  16. I plan on keeping my name when I'm married. Why?

    - I'm established in my career

    - I'm the last in my line

    - less hassle (no paperwork to fill out)

    - it's my identity, and no man owns me

    If my future husband wants to change his name to mine, that'd be great. If not, we both keep our names, and (if he's open-minded enough) we publicly go by a hyphenated name (his name-my name). I even plan on giving my kids my name or a hyphenated name.

  17. I'm sooo keeping my last name! Why, well, I've learned so much about my family. I think I will be the only ______ (last name) woman who will keep her last name.

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