
Unorthodox question, but just wondering?

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Now: I'm not retarded or anything, but I was just wondering what would happen in this situation: I've always wondered--if someone needed a blood transfusion, what would happen if it were to be animal blood that was used for the transfusion? Would the human body reject it, or accept it? Would it cause infection? Don't worry, I'm not a some crazy planning to experiment; I was just curious.




  1. that would not work, it would be like getting the wrong blood type. When that happens, the patient usually dies.

  2. well animals have different blood types just like humans have different blood types. so yes, the human body would reject animal blood. dogs actually have 5 different blood types, but i think they are all different than all of the human blood types.

  3. probably reject it because i'm not sure what but something attacks like bad blood in your system and it would see the animal blood as a threat to your body and like attack it all leaving you...dead!

  4. You would probably go into shock, your heart would be messed up, your brain would probably shut down. And the cure: don't give animal blood in the first place.

  5. Reject.

  6. Um...

    i'd say reject. Because I'm really not sure if animals have blood types like we do..

  7. Even between humans, there are different blood types, and in order to not reject the blood, it has to be the same, so yes.

  8. I think you would get sick and most likely die, because if you wipe up pigs or cows or chicken's blood and just a little bit gets in your cut, you could get worms or salmonella or ecoli in your bloodstream, just from that.  

  9. I'm not to sure on animal blood tranfusions on humans, but I have had about 3 transfusions before and I know that when people donate blood, it is sent to a lab in which the blood is seperated... like the red blood cells are taken out of the blood, this is what your transfusions contains. They also seperate the platelets and the white blood cells. You can be given platelets on a seperate transfusion but not white blood cells cause your body will reject those. Now when getting a transfusion, you get bynodril and tylonal (how every you spell those) which help lower the risk of a reaction... not sure if this helps at all...

  10. I dont know if it would kill you but it would really make you very very sick.

    If animal blood could be used they wouldnt plead for humans to donate. A good rule of thumb is, if a species and reproduce with each other they can use each others blood.

    Dont feel stupid. This is a great web site for things you alwasy wondered about

  11. You have to have compatable blood, say you are O negative, then you would need O negative for the transfusion to work, it would kill you getting the wrong blood and animal blood carries tons of disease.


  12. I would think the body would reject it, but I don't know that for a fact.  

  13. Determining blood compatibility involves complicated tests and procedures.  The human body is very sensitive to the kind of blood that it receives.  You cannot receive blood from another species--your body would recognize it as foreign and would destroy the blood cells. This is called an acute transfusion reaction. And it would probably be fatal.

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