
Unpaid wages - in childcare industry?

by  |  earlier

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to keep the story short, im in the childcare industry, have been working at the one place 4 2 years... my boss recently shut down the center, and owes me 4 grand (8 weeks pay) what do i do when im not a member of a UNION to retrieve my money??




  1. File a complaint with your state's department of Labor & Industry.

    Look up your state L&I website....they will have lots of info there.

  2. Report them to the labor board. It may be too late though is the owner shut down the business. Why did the owner shut down the business? Did she file bankruptcy? Do you have proof of hours you worked or does the owner?

    Depending on the answers you may have to take then to small claims recover your lost wages. Also file with the BBB that they left workers with unpaid wages.

    The labor board is your best bet at this time. They are the ones who are supposed to protect the workers in the work place even if there is a Union.

  3. Send notice to owner for unpaid wages. Give time limit to pay.  Do not make any threats in letter, or say that you are going to sue.  If wages not paid in full, then file a lawsuit in small claims court. Sue the business, and sue the owner personally.  

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