
Unplanned Pregnanacy...?

by Guest56988  |  earlier

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Ok my 14 year old cousin just had s*x today....She came to me crying and scared she said she thinks the boys condom broke....I told her not to worry but I honestly dont know what to do....anybody know anyways to terminate a pregnancy this early??




  1. Take her to planned parenthood...

    ECP Pill.... can be taken UP to 72 hours after s*x.

    it doesnt matter how young she is... they WILL take her for free.  

  2. There isn't any way.  The sperm would still be swimming to the egg right now.  It can take up to three days for sperm and egg to meet.  Then there is a process of the egg fertilizing and attaching to her uterus to make her pregnant.

  3. if she got pregnant then it is already and a baby and it has the right to live. there are places that can help call Birthright 1-800-550-4900 God Bless

  4. hmm u are taking it upon yourself to help you lilttle cousin do something very serious. hope you both can live with the consequences trusts me been there. but if you have decided that this is the option please first let lil cuz know that u arent gonna help her do this again and again causing her to become a living cemetery. But you can go get the morning after pill it takes up to 72 hours tho.. you can get it at any drug store, but you must be 18 yrs to get it at least that is the law in florida not sure where you are at. I hope you are mature enough in case she is pregnant to give her the support she will need after terminating a pregancy...good luck with it mama  

  5. she can go get the morning after pill. it does need to be done now though

  6. she might not even be pregnant let her take a test and pray to god it is neg if not do what you both think is best

  7. Well, she could get the morning-after pill which would be the quickest way to deal with this.  She should go to the nearest pharmacy and find out what she must do to obtain this emergency after-s*x contraception.  I think that if your cousin doesn't know about this then she probably should not be having s*x.

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