
Unprotected on two days that were fertile and ovulation day, could I be pregnant or sick with something else?

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My husband and I had s*x on two of the days that were my fertile days and my ovulation day. Yes. I was unprotected. Now, I feel so sick. I feel run down and nausea. It seems a bit early for symptoms because I am not due to come on until the 27th. I really don't recall anything from my pregnancy with our son, so I am at a loss. Could I be pregnant?




  1. Yes there is a good chance that you are pregnant. I started having symptoms when i was about 1 1/2 to 2 weeks preggo......Good luck

  2. Sounds like you could be having another bundle of joy! I have 3 daughters and am 36 weeks with my 4th, a boy! With my 3 girls I felt the symptoms of pregnancy within the first 2-3 weeks, but with this baby I didn't find out I was pregnant until I was 6 1/2 weeks! Every pregnancy is different, I would suggest taking a otc test, if it comes back neg, and you are really stressing about it, call your doctor and ask if they will run a blood pregnancy test on you which is A LOT more sensitive to the hormone hcg that is the hormone released into your blood and urine by a growing pregnancy ( it is  detected by urine tests, but takes longer to show a positive in a urine test). I wish you the best of luck, don't stress to much!

  3. Yup, you could be having another.  Each one is different.  Or it could be nerves since you are stressing.  Go get an EPT and on the 30th use it.

  4. everyone is different you might feel symptoms earlier then you think... good luck

  5. Yep, don't know about the symptoms but unprotected s*x on fertile days is pretty much a give away.

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