
Unprotected sexual encounter?

by  |  earlier

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i just met a woman off the net and had s*x with her..... i didn't use anything tho....and before you all say, i know that was extremely stupid but whats done is done.... but how long do i have to wait to see the docs for a check up??? it was a silly mistake and i can't believe i done it!!!! there is a period where nothing shows up how long is this???




  1. Hi again,

    Just an FYI, these are the most common, but not all, STDs:


    Chlamydia Infections

    Genital Warts


    Herpes Simplex


    Pelvic Inflammatory Disease



    Each has a different incubation period, and in some cases, you may not know you have the disease for several months or years. If the initial chancre from syphillis, for example, is small and you don't notice it, it will disappear and the disease lays dormant for years, then resurfaces. It can affect every organ in your body if not treated. I am not trying to scare you, just to let you know that you should be seen by a physician or your health care provider soon. If you'd like me to do some research, I'd be happy to do that. Please let me know.


  2. well, at least you got the job done, and we would not say that is extremely stupid, well she might.

  3. I Would Say Wait About A Week (Don't Have s*x During That Week)  And If No Symptoms Still Visit Your Local Health Clinic Or Doctor.

  4. Some STDs show up straight away, so you could get tested within a week.

    Other STDs show up after 3/4 months, so definately get tested then.

    Other STDs more serious, HIV, AIDS can show up after 6 months. So definately go and get tested.  

  5. Depending on the STi, it can take up to a month for any symptoms at all to show up, especially on men.

    Just go to a sexual health clinic asap and tell them when you had s*x with her and they will tell you what tests can be done now or when.

    If you have anything then tell that woman so she will know what she has and won't spread it to anymore men.

  6. ASAP

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