The car I'm soon to be getting will be my very first car and I will be using it to drive to school, pick-up my brother up from school, visit friends... etc. My parents are adamant that the car be a used car that will cost them less than 2,000 dollars.
I have volunteered to give-up my birthday/christmas presents to help pay for the car, but they won't budge on the price. In addition to that when I show them these crappy (but within their price range) cars, they are too often than not like, "Oh that car doesn't look safe." or "it has too many miles on it." Things like that. Any excuse as to why I can't get it.
I can't pay for a car by working, because they don't want me getting a job during the school year ( I have 4 AP classes and they want me to keep up my 4.0 GPA)
I'm at my wits end! I have to have a car before school starts or I won't be getting to school! ( My friends haven't had their licenses long enough to carpool me, and I can't take my cello on the bus.)
Do you think my parents are being unreasonable about their price range? What can I do to get them to up it a little, so that I can get a decent car?
Help me! :)