
Unrefridgerrated milk?

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my fridge has stopped working about three days ago(but the freezer still works fine), but i had been drinking the milk in the fridge for theses past three days(light white milk). my dad drinks full cream milk and his milk had a bad smell on monday(its now wednesday) but the milk i have been drinking was just a bit warm but didnt have a smell and didnt taste bad. so is there nothing to worry about?




  1. If it doesn't smell bad, or taste sour - go for it. People drink

    warm milk to help them sleep. It probably won't last

    much longer though.

  2. nope NOT a good idea to be eating or drinking anything that requires refrigeration after 3 days of NOT being properly stored....don't risk poision is nasty and can be very dangerous!

  3. ur prbly fine but what u should do is is freeze it when u go out than when u come back u can fill ur sink with scolding hot water and put ur milk into it, this make it taste a bit but at least its safe

  4. Probably not.  You could put it in the freezer, it would be realllllly cold!

  5. Be careful Nathan - if it has a odour, tip it out.

    You could get gastroenteritis from drinking unrefrigerated milk.
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