
Unregistered car hits truck that was stationary, do I have to pay for their car?

by  |  earlier

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On Monday 14.07.2008, I was doing a moving merge into a clear lane in my truck, when I noticed a car pop into the left lane before entering the intersection. I stopped, I was sitting in the cycle lane and had roughly 30-50cms of the front of my truck in the left lane. The car was accelerating as it entered the intersection passing the cars on the right. I didn't move thinking they had seen me as visibility was excellent. She proceeded through the intersection gaining speed. She hit the brakes in the center and I just sat and watched as she lost control and hit me in my right front steerer. I hadn't moved. The car has suffered some major damage. I tended first aid to the very minor injuries and called the police and ambulance. I then took photos of the accident and noticed that the registration had expired on the 18.05.2008. How does this affect the insurance? If anyone has some information I would appreciate your feedback.




  1. Was anyone fined?

    If she hit you in the right hand side, that generally means you were at fault. In Australia, a Not at Fault driver needs to be hit in the left hand side, or from behind.

    Perhaps the car was re-rego'd and she hadnt put the sticker on. If it was not registered, she should have been fined when the police arrived.

    Your description doenst really make sence either, Was she travelling the same way as you?

    Did you or her have a give way or stop sign?

    It would be helpful if you could describe the accident a bit better.

    If he car is unreg'd, she more than likely wont have insurance. And if she did, they wont pay up as insurance is void if the car runs out of rego.

    I dont believe that she can file a claim against you either, even if you are at fault, as she shouldnt have been driving.

  2. It's obvious you are not in the USA but here, having an expired registration would not matter.  The other party would still be liable and have to pay.  Here, you would receive a ticket for driving an UN-registered vehicle but that doesn't change the liability

  3. It does Not, The Question is?, did She have Insurance. The Insurance will work it out between you and Her, after the police report and you and her insurance.

  4. it probably depends where you are country wise as road rules are different

    in australia where i am you would not be liable as she has hit you and should have avoided the accident

    now as her car was unregistered insurance will probably not cover her. in australia she would have been fined for driving an unregistered vehicle and probably charged with negligent driving by the police

  5. If the car was out of rego i'm pretty sure the insurance wont cover it. If you have full comprehensive i'd go through them and they can chase up the money from the other driver; probably on a payment plan.

    My car was out of rego one week and i found a sticker on the windscreen telling me it was to be impounded because non registered vehicles have no business on the road (it was parked on the street outside my house). I was also told if a drunk driver hit my unregisterd car then I would be liable!

    Unfortunantly you are the one who could suffer, if the rego is so far out of date you are dealing with someone who bucks the system and you could be waiting a long time to be fully re-imbursed. The sherrif system can work, sometimes just having them turn up can scare ppl into paying up.

    Good luck

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