
Unsure about this. My "Mother" or My "mother"

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Sorry, I am seriously blanking out... but if I want to say my "MOTHER" then would it be my "Mother" or my "mother"? Would it be a lower case or a higher case M? Please say specifically, depending on any situation where I want to write this.

for example:

"Hello mother/Mother"..

"This is my mother/Mother"

"My mother/Mother told me"...




  1. mother is in lower case, but not for nuns

    hi mother

    this is mother

    my mother said

  2. lower case unless it is part of her title such as Mother Teresa.  

    "h**l mother."

    "This is my mother."

    "My mother told me"

  3. "mother", as a noun, "Mother" when you're using it as a name, as in:

    "I'm sorry, Mother, my friend's mother wants to know if I can play today"  

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