
Until very recently I thought that the NHS was a single UK-wide organisation - apparently not?

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There are four administratively-separate national health services

National Health Service (England)

NHS Scotland

NHS Wales

Health and Care NI the health service for Northern Ireland (which does not use the names "NHS" or "National Health Service").

Were these all set up as separate organisations at the 'birth' of the NHS (if so -why) - if not when were they separated and why?

(I've tried looking for answers to this and there is no readily available information)

By definition if they are separate organisations that must be a duplication -why? A missed cost cutting opportunity?

The new proposed NHS consistution only covers England - why?

Does this mean that a new (and possibly different) Constitution has to be drafted and consulted upon for the other 3 organisations? Why? Another missed cost-cutting opportunity?

It seems divisive to me - why should the standards be different?




  1. About time if you ask me. We are England. Let us govern only ourselves. Let Wales, Scotland and N. Ireland govern only themselves.

    And the standards are different because the amount people earn in different areas are higher than others, therefore more of their tax goes in to the NHS....... and in my opinion the more tax you are forced to pay...then you should be entitled to decent standards. Why should i pay tax for some scrounger in wales??

  2. The overall strategy of the NHS remains the same.  The division is simply for adminisdtrative purposes....and within that there are individual Primary Care Trusts....all part of the NHS

  3. Absolutely!

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