
Until we see an equal (or near equal) amount of both genders performing all tasks and occupations ...?

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we do not live in an equal world. Agree or disagree

Or, do you think we are there now?




  1. the world we live in is far from equal and even farther from fair

    its the way things have become that have made this world so one sided

    men are preasured into becoming something they dont really even want to be

    you are not your job or how much you make you are more than that you are a human being and there is NO reason why a man should have to slave away in a job he hates for some woman that can have any man she wants at any time

    we are exspendable  to women

    we are a mere means of security so the woman can stay a little girl forever

    its b/s

    but i dont blame women entirely i blame society i blame tv i blame hollywood i blame them for trying to project there b/s image onto the world

    its to bad that we took the bait and now we are hooked

  2. we will never see a world of equality.  We are far from it now.

  3. I would definitely have to disagree. You see I was raised to be a sort of feminist which would believe we all need to be out there doing the same things as men. Altough as I get older and see these kids being raised by their day-care providers and moms too drained to cook or have s*x with their husbands I realized that while for some woman careers take priority, others of us can make changes in the world by bettering our own family and offspring by being an active participant in their lives! I think alot of woman today have their priorities out of whack in te sense that because they never take part in their childrens life they may be shocked later to see some very serious problems arise in society as a whole! It won't take equality in tasks or occupations for the world to be equal it will take people taking on their original roles and being who they were meant to be!

  4. If you're looking for equality in work go with federal service.

    Challenging but rewarding

  5. Disagree.  We are there now.

    Reason being is that most women, when they REALLY think about it, would rather work part-time and raise their own children (rather than leaving it to a day care).  This will become even more prevalent in the future as the pendulum swings back in the other direction.

    When a woman misses work to raise her kids, deal with day care, etc. she sacrifices some of her pay and promotion potential.  The extremists call this sexism and complain about the glass ceiling.  The fact is, it's the woman's choice what her priorities are.  If she is 100% vested in her career (above her family) she'll find some one else to deal with those things or leave it to the father/husband.

    When it comes down to it, women would still prefer to take that role.

    Never the less, you may see more stay-at-home Dad's since women's educational levels are exceeding men's across the board.  Chances are, the women will have better jobs and make more money than their flunky boyfriends.  So, economics may see more stay at home fathers (if there ARE any fathers, they may just dump the bums).

  6. Agree...we arnt there yet be we are the closest we have ever been

  7. Disagree.

    There's reason to think that there are some things for which one s*x is better suited -- more women, for instance, are weak in spatial reasoning than men.

    It's also likely that more of the people who stay home to take care of little ones will be women than men, so there will be a percentage of the female workforce doing so at any given time.

    It's not that we need to TRY for equal representation in all tasks and occupations, just that the gross disperities we see now are an indication it's not equal yet.

    Especially when you look at the people at the top of things -- overwhelmingly male.

    So, that the people with the vast majority of the power are one s*x, says we ain't there yet.

  8. I'd rather just be a housewife and have a husband that makes lots of money. s***w equal rights.

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