
Until what age are human males fertile?

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What is the average age around which which male fertility declines significantly? Or in other words, until what age can a male expect to reproduce at a steady clip? Any answer, however simple or complex, is appreciated. Links would also be great if you have some.

I'm asking because an episode of Star Trek Voyager has inspired me to build a model for maximizing reproduction in a society with very few males. I'm trying to see how many wives we can give each guy for best efficiency. Just in case you were wondering.




  1. Men are fertile from puberty to the day they die.  They may have trouble getting it up as they age, but their sperm is just as effective at 80 as it is at 16.

    By my calculations, with an ample supply of Viagra as needed and the expectation of at least a mating per day, and assuming there's no need for further copulation once the lady is pregnant until after she gives birth, one man should be able to accommodate 270 women. Of course not every mating necessarily results in fertiliization, so you might want to toss a few extra men into the mix.  Even if every woman did manage to get knocked up the first time, the spare men could still entertain the pregnant women, just to keep in shape.

    I hope this helps.

  2. I am 90 and I m********e daily.

  3. Until death for most males. While sperm production may decrease, and the sperm may be less mobile, guys well into their 80's have fathered children.    Considering an average guy could service a woman every hour or so, say- eight times a day, most guys could have quite a harem if the goal was simply to impregnate as many females as possible.  

  4. males produce sperm till they die

  5. they are until they die

  6. Hefner the head of the Playboy Empire fathered children in his mid 70's! Guys go on until they die!  

  7. First let me say that is you decide to run a real world study on this, please keep me in mind, lol!

    Seriously though, if a man can maintain his health and is not fragile or weak, it is possible to father children all the way up to the day he dies! Of course he will loose some ability and desire as his testosterone decreases with age, but both of these things could be treated medically, such as hormone therapy and/or the use of E.D. drugs such as Viagra, but he would have to have an over all healthy body in order to tolerate such treatments.

    Tony Randall, an actor from the TV show "The odd couple" fathered a child when he was in his 80's!

  8. Until death -- as long as they are functional - they can reproduce.  However, as males get older the possibility of their offspring having birth defects increase --

    Kind thoughts,



  10. I am with the guy above, the major problems is being able to get it up when you get older.

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